Categories of Search Intent That Are Important for SEO

Google has undergone significant transformation over the past few years, which no marketer can deny. Although Google modifies its algorithms daily, there are a few significant core modifications each year. 

These revisions are the ones that significantly affect rankings. Search intent is getting more and more significant as Google gets better at figuring out the reasoning behind a user’s query.

In the sections below, learn more about search intent and its significance to your business’s SEO campaign.

Meaning Of SEO’s Search Intent

Search intent is what defines what is seen as useful for each query if Google’s purpose is to organize the world’s knowledge and make it universally accessible and useful. Google can recognize the results a person is looking for with their search as it gets smarter and better understands intent. 

Search intent is flexible and can alter as users’ search behaviors change. Before Covid-19, a user looking for “masks” would probably come across Google Shopping advertising or search results for items like Halloween masks. 

However, as Google has adapted and learned what users seek, this search has mostly focused on medical face masks since the pandemic’s onset.

Why It’s Vital to Remember Search Intent

Considering search intent is essential when SEO-optimizing your website. Without understanding what kinds of content a user is searching for, you won’t be able to engage them fully. 

Because Google’s goal is to organize the world’s information and make it widely accessible and valuable, other websites that match the user’s intent will now receive preferential treatment from the search engine.

By creating content that reflects the intent behind your target keywords, you can make the best impression on Google and keep your position as the market leader.

Categories of Search Intent

The categories of search intent are informational, navigational, commercial, and transactional.

Informational Search

Users frequently look up information on Google, such as “where is Central Park?” These kinds of searches frequently have a knowledge box or featured snippet that responds to the user’s inquiry.

Remember that not all searches with an informational goal are question-based. As users seek information about bakeries in Jacksonville, the single phrase “bakery” would also have an informational search purpose. Frequently, local bakeries nearest you would score highly for this kind of search.

Navigational Search

When a user has a clear idea of the website they wish to visit as they search for “Facebook” or “Instagram,” they have navigational intent. You anticipate that the Facebook login page will appear as the top result for that kind of search.

Commercial Search

While commercial intent and transactional intent are somewhat similar, commercial intent searches are often higher in the conversion funnel. Even though they might need to buy anything, they are still comparing various goods and services. 

Keywords like “top smartphones 2022” or “best car wash services in Jacksonville” would be examples of these.

Transactional Search

When a user searches with the intention to buy something, this is known as transactional search intent. These customers are prepared to buy because they have already done their homework. 

Examples of keywords with this intent are “purchase running shoes” and “buy walking shoes.” These are frequently mistaken for keywords with a commercial aim, although the user is actually ready to make a purchase.


You’ll probably notice an uptick in rankings, organic traffic to the page, and conversions if the page has transactional intent when the content is in line with search intent. You won’t understand the kinds of content that will work well for your desired keywords until you grasp search intent.

Get premium SEO services in Florida at Moxi Marketing! We have been Florida businesses’ one-stop shop for all things marketing since 2016, specializing in website building, SEO, advertising, social media, and more. Contact us today to get started!

Moxi Marketing

Serving the Jacksonville area & beyond. We specialize in websites, seo, advertising, social media and more! We are your one stop shop for all things marketing since 2016.

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