Strategic Branding

Have you ever looked at a logo or a website and thought, “What was the thought process behind that?” Us, too. Having a strategy behind your branding is so important. With shopping and services being primarily online, your website is essentially the front door to your business. Most people will look up your website before they ever step into your store, so if you don’t have a branding strategy, it’s time to get one.

We specialize in strategic branding and achieving your company’s goals through unique avenues and would love to partner with you, but in the meantime, check out our top strategic branding tips and let us know what has worked for you!


This is always going to be your starting point: some good ole’ research. In order to be a strong competitor, you need to know what else is out there. Do some research on your competitors, what they’re doing, and how they’re performing. Now is also the time to do research on your target audience. Who is your target audience? What do they like and where do they go (both virtually and physically)? This will help you know where you need to be and how best you can be there.


This is the hardest part for business owners. Running a small business has so many moving parts and things that are pulling your attention. It can be hard to remember to show up online or make the edits and additions to your online storefront. Consistency is what sets apart a good business to a great one. Customers and clients trust consistency.


There might be 20 business like yours, but there is only one of you. That might sound cheesey, but you are the one who sets your business apart. With so many options available to customers, they are going with you because of who you are. Whether that means your prompt, funny, caring, eccentric, whoever you are in your day to day and personal life, highlight that with your clients.

Moxi Marketing

Serving the Jacksonville area & beyond. We specialize in websites, seo, advertising, social media and more! We are your one stop shop for all things marketing since 2016.

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How to Appear Higher on Google