Does My Brand Need To Be On TikTok?

It’s almost the second quarter of twenty-twenty-two, TikTok has proved to us that it wasn’t just a quarantine fad and we are left wondering what does this means? In fact, TikTok has become an empire within the social media world, with no signs of backing down.

So the question that so many business leaders have asked is, “do I really need to have my brand on TikTok?”

And the answer is plainly this; yes.

While TikTok might have started out as a platform for dancing trends, it quickly has become a platform for brands all over the world. Since the app's launch, it has accumulated over 1 billion users, while maintaining an active 1 billion users daily. Making the potential exposure for your business, next-level.

If the numbers aren’t enough, here’s another reason why you should look into joining the TikTok community: maximizing creative outlets.

While Instagram will always be a top leader for social media, many people are tired of just still photos. TikTok opens the door to express your brand in a whole new light, and take your brand awareness to a greater value.

Seem daunting? Not to worry, our social media marketing and management team are prepared and ready to make this smooth and seamless for you, while keeping your brand relevant to the times. Contact us to find out how to get started.

Moxi Marketing

Serving the Jacksonville area & beyond. We specialize in websites, seo, advertising, social media and more! We are your one stop shop for all things marketing since 2016.

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