Why Google Ads Are Important

When running your business it can get a little foggy on what all you should and shouldn’t invest in. It can leave you feeling overwhelmed and mentally drained. We’re here to make those things a lot more clear and concise for you.

One question we hear a lot from business owners is, “why should I invest in Google ads?” Though it may not be your priority, we’re here to let you know that it should be. Here are our top five reasons why investing in Google Ads should be a priority for you.

1. Increase Your Leads & Customers

To keep a business you must grow your business. This means bringing in new leads and keeping your already existing customers. Google Ads help you do both at the same time. When done well, Google Ads can send extremely targeted leads to your website increasing your brand awareness. Along with this, Google Ads allow you to focus on people who are searching for what your business has to offer.

2. High Return on Investment

If you’ve ever run an ad on social media platforms you know you have to pay upfront for the ad no matter if people interact with it or not. Google runs differently, Google Ads makes you pay only for ads people click on. Thus allowing you to have a higher return on investment. While finding which system and campaign work best for your business, Google keeps things transparent so any information you need is easily accessible for you.

3. Flexible Marketing Platform

Another great thing about Google Ads is how flexible they are to use. Not only is it great for any size of business but it is also compatible with a wide range of other marketing platforms and software systems. Each campaign you make can be specifically curated for you and your targeted audience. For instance, you can make your campaigns specific for a certain location, type of device, and age demographic. You are also able to manage your budget to focus on different areas of the campaign, such as setting daily budgets and limits on the amount you're willing to spend on clicks for specific keywords.

4. Upfront Results

Google Ads are known for their transparent, quick, and straightforwards results on your campaign. Making it easy for you to analyze the progress and success of each campaign. You will have a dashboard will all of your past campaigns allowing you to see any information related to it. Such as ads clicked, keywords your visitors focused on most, and the cost.

5. Clarity On Your Market

Just as your business continues to grow and change, so will your market. To obtain your ideal clientele you must know what they want. Google Ads provides you information about customer habits and requirements that business owners of previous generations didn’t have access to. Some of this information includes keywords people use to find your website, their location, the devices they use, and the times and days they search. Having this information will help you improve your products and services, as well as refine your marketing efforts so it reaches the right people.

Now that you know why Google Ads are vital to your business, let’s take the next step in making it happen. Our JFCO team is filled with knowledge and experience to implement the best Google Ad campaign for your business. For more information on setting this up for your business, click here. We can’t wait to help you with your career goals.

Moxi Marketing

Serving the Jacksonville area & beyond. We specialize in websites, seo, advertising, social media and more! We are your one stop shop for all things marketing since 2016.


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