THE moxi Blog

Moxi Marketing Moxi Marketing

Mastering E-Commerce Self-Marketing Strategies

As a dedicated marketing company, we understand the challenges that e-commerce stores face when trying to stand out in a crowded digital marketplace. Let’s dive into proven strategies that can elevate your e-commerce store's marketing game, driving traffic, enhancing brand recognition, and boosting sales.

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Moxi Marketing Moxi Marketing

Choosing the Right Social Media Platforms for Your Small Business

In today's digital age, social media has become an essential tool for small businesses to reach and engage with their target audience. However, with the multitude of social media platforms available, it can be overwhelming to determine which ones are best suited for your business. As a marketing company, we understand the importance of selecting the right platforms based on your business type and goals.

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Moxi Marketing Moxi Marketing

The Secret to Social Media

Social media has become an essential part of our daily lives. It's a powerful tool for businesses and individuals to connect with their audience, share their message, and promote their products or services. However, to make the most out of social media, you need to know how frequently to post and what kind of content to share.

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Moxi Marketing Moxi Marketing

Best Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses

As marketers, we must stay ahead of the curve to ensure our strategies are effective and up to date. There are certain strategies that have stood the test of time and remain essential for any digital marketing campaign.

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Moxi Marketing Moxi Marketing

Why Your Business Needs Social Media

Social media has become an essential tool for small businesses to reach their target customers and build relationships with them. In the digital age, social media is a powerful way to advertise and promote your business. Here’s why social media matters for small businesses.

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Moxi Marketing Moxi Marketing

Choosing a Font For Your Brand

One of the most stressful things about creating your brand guideline is choosing the font that will represent your brand. When thinking about choosing a font, we like to follow the following questions.

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Moxi Marketing Moxi Marketing

What is SEO?

If you have thought about or already begun your marketing journey for your business, there’s no doubt you’ve probably heard the term SEO. While it may sound scary, there are only good things to say about it.

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Moxi Marketing Moxi Marketing

Why Google Ads Are Important

One question we hear a lot from business owners is, “why should I invest in Google ads?” Though it may not be your priority, we’re here to let you know that it should be. Here are our top five reasons why investing in Google Ads should be a priority for you.

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Moxi Marketing Moxi Marketing

Does My Brand Need To Be On TikTok?

It’s almost the second quarter of twenty-twenty-two, TikTok has proved to us that it wasn’t just a quarantine fad and we are left wondering what does this means? In fact, TikTok has become an empire within the social media world, with no signs of backing down.

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Moxi Marketing Moxi Marketing

Why You Should Have Social Media Management

While social media might seem and sound like a simple concept in the grand scheme of your business, it is filled with ever-changing rules, systems yet vital to the success of your growth. We’re here to take the stress out of social media so that you can focus on other aspects of your business. Here are 5 reasons why you should consider partnering with us on your social media.

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Moxi Marketing Moxi Marketing

Why Hire A Marketing Company?

In this day and age, anyone can promote their business. With the right tools and know-how, a business owner can promote their product or service to thousands of potential customers.

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Moxi Marketing Moxi Marketing

Why is SEO Important?

If your first question is, “What even is SEO?” then just keep reading! SEO stands for search engine optimization. As more and more people turn to Google with questions, it’s become more important than ever before to have your business listed in the search results.

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Tyler Rolfe Tyler Rolfe

Summer Styles

With summer rapidly approaching, more and more people will be out vacationing, visiting family, and trying new things. Summer is often when many businesses see massive growth in their revenue.

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